Thursday, November 4, 2010

Course Reflection

My blog is now complete ... here's the link
I'd like to thank my colleague, fabulous Fran, for beginning the Web2.0 Course with me and "following" my progress during the blog.  Fran's support was invaluable.  Here is Fran's link - I was her 'follower' and commented on most blog entries...
Thanks also go to another colleague, Camille, the ICT guru and a terrific lady who was very supportive.

I very much enjoyed this challenge and learnt so many things about the digital world.  I hope to use the new skills and knowledge to assist the students wherever I am able.

In my Web2.0 Course Reflection I'd like to acknowledge the video explaining "eLearning with the iLearn model" ... this information assisted my appreciation of the content in the course and discover how to focus on an engaging learning environment which is essential for creating student knowledge.  The challenges facing educators include good learning and teaching embedded with Catholic values.  Essentially, people matter first with the computers and the technology being the tools that may enable us to achieve our goals.  Professional development and modelling being a learner are two things we can do to create and sustain change in our school.  We can assist the students to learn and develop the iLearn skills so they may apply these skills when accessing Web2.0 tools.  Skills such as those in Blooms diagram...


I am very glad this opportunity was afforded to me.  Thanks to the co-ordinators.
Now it's time to celebrate learning, achievement, diversity, independence, collaboration ... giving it everything you can in an inclusive educational environment:

Module 9

Scootle ... this is an exhaustive site - soo many things to do and learn.  Very exciting. chilliprawn just logged in to Scootle, + created and shared a learning path using their UserGuide!  this was not easy ... chilliprawn is no expert (yet) but had a crack at it and achieved a result.  will definitely need to spend more time on Scootle.
Second life ... a bit out there ?? 
Social Networking ... ok for adults, and maybe older teenagers but chilliprawn is very wary of the dangers present for unsupervised youngsters.  Certainly wouldn't recommend it for primary aged children at all.  There are much healthier & fun ways to 'network' with your mates at that age!  Twitter - hmmm, the name says it all!!  sorry... but chilliprawn has absolutley no interest in nor enough time to worry about six second updates on peoples' lives!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Module 8

chilliprawn is now a Google reader ... this is a great tool.  chilliprawn may dog Delicious and go for more Google reading I think. 
Sarah is an old family friend ... check out this lovely, gorgeous woman's blog.  Her fabulous mother & mine grew up together in Brissie!