Sunday, October 31, 2010

Module 10 wiki ... wacky ... do!

giddy-up - chilliprawn has been accelerated to the last module ... wikis!
you see, I saw Fran-An's sensational wiki on her blog and felt inspired to jump on board & create a wiki too. 
Wikispaces explains that "All you need is a place for yourself, your classroom, your project. Create an account on and get the wiki that's right for you" ... Teachers and students can create a free classroom wiki! Edit, write and save - it's that simple.

here's my attempt at wiki

chilli needs a break ... back soon

The Rocks Coffee Festival
Ok, chilliprawn is back on line - ceased being a tech head for a few hours but bounced back this arvo to load a new page on the wiki ... "Sydney is fun"  -  yes it is!  and so is WIKI !!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Module 7

hello neighbour
chilliprawn has just ventured into the world of "delicious".  It's interesting so far ... have created account , no surprises there!  chilli has been busy adding buttons to the toolbar, exporting & importing bookmarks then tagging them.  Remember to **Cut & Paste** the url address ... soooo important! 

to be continued~~~~~
the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo warming up before the show...nice line boys

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Module 6

Glogster - too much fun!! check this out and have your speakers up 'cause it's a Glogparty ...

Bubbles = one of my favourite drinks to celebrate special occasions.  More on that later... = one of my favourite brainstorming and mind-mapping tools.  However, the editing & sharing options were broken on today.  
Therefore, I have saved my mind map as a jpeg image ...

dear rain ...

Flipper - he's so cool

did you ruin today, Sunday, and start on purpose to lure chilliprawn back to web 2.0 and it's mind numbing modules??
 yessss ... you did!

ok, module 6 - get ready, going to be all over you very shortly!  and to get me in the mood a little song ...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Module 5


Awesome.  Love it.  Podcasts - it's official ... I'm hooked.  Never miss a thing anymore - downloading and subscribing to podcasts is the answer!  I have successfully downloaded ABC Radio's Richard Fidler 'Conversations' through iTunes on my pc.  This was an excellent introduction to podcasts.  I have also learnt how to access podcasts on my iPhone.  My son is currently creating a vodcast for a high school HSIE assignment - I can't wait to see the finished product.  Number 1 son may soon prove to be my greatest podcasting asset now!

so happy, another module completed, time for a little song...  this is for all the trendy hip oldies out there - click on this link and start singing ...

and this is for "Fran". we are, indeed, up, up & away with some serious blogging ....

enough is enough - dry your tears princess chilliprawn ...

That's right ... it's time to get on with Module 5.
Term 4 is here and Week 1 was a tad busy - I know - so was everyone's! 
However, chilliprawn needs to push through the excitement of the past week's swimming lessons, social stories, lectures at Mt Druitt and the dreaded assignments and just get on with it.
Is chilliprawn's mandatory Week 1 headache and sore throat going to impede the intention of tackling Module 5? It better be fantabulous because today is Sunday !! all day !! it's the day of rest !!  Coffee first.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

ok, am officially lonely ... in need of reactions ... h e l p

I thought the idea of 'blogging' in cyber space was to encounter a two way process.  Sad as it is, I'm already feeling very lonely in this big cavernous non-touchy/feely technological digital environment .... get over it you say?  don't be so self centered?  what a sook!!  Today is module5 day, but a pinot gris at the sailing club a little later is looking more attractive right now!!  Real people - yessss. 
what's a chilliprawn gotta do to get a comment or a reaction around here .... hmmm ?  As they say - "where's the love?"

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Module 4

Oh dear - not another ID ... Yahoo this time !!  Ok, so I now have nearly every imagineable email account in existence.  Not sure I'm comfortable with creating all these accounts and sharing my ''oh so personal details'' but if it gets me through this course then so be it! 
Now over to the real issue at hand - Flickr ... mmm, I feel I'm having too much fun.  I created a share folder of "Euro Sights" by uploading my own photos.   to view my efforts please go to

It was stimulating and I was entertained at the same time. This was excellent fun. 
Thanks Flickr ! 
More excitement in the classroom for all students.  I believe there could be many benefits using Flickr at all levels, especially for creative and open-minded students.  Another tool to showcase ways to create imaginative learning spaces & share information.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Module 3

It's the holidays & chilliprawn is still pushing on with web2.0 - am I spending too much of my 'chillaxing' time on a computer?? - yesss!  I guess it's a matter of 'keeping up' ... I need to know this stuff.  Google Docs ... too much fun! This will be an awesome classroom tool - imagine the great ideas and collaboration between teachers & high school students plus their peers during the creation of an on-line workspace.  The sharing element is exciting and progressive.  I created a Google Docs presentation called "my _front_ yard" and shared it with my course buddy ... hope she likes it (awaiting judgement).
Learning these applications will be useful if colleagues wish to collaborate their information and ideas to produce a document etc.  However, it will not apply to my work with students in my primary school - I believe they are not old enough to have a Google Account.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Module 2

Watch out world - am making huge digital footprints !  Today I learnt how to navigate my way around the Blogging world ... fine tune my site & entries, become a follower and enjoy the new experience - it's fun (when it's working and being nice to me of course!!).  I can see how a classroom full of enquiring minds with lots to say and share would love this experience.  Every now & then little glitches arrive to frustrate me but nevertheless this blogging/posting keeps me engaged & I'll stay on until I'm satisfied it's all working.  I seem to be checking & re-checking my settings alot!  Yes, I know the computer is smarter than me so get used to it you say !  Loading a picture on my following site is becoming a challenge - a 'must get right thing'.  Am heading there now to perfect - hopefully! What will Module 3 excite me with ... can't wait to discover more of my talents !! (stop laughing)