Friday, October 1, 2010

Module 2

Watch out world - am making huge digital footprints !  Today I learnt how to navigate my way around the Blogging world ... fine tune my site & entries, become a follower and enjoy the new experience - it's fun (when it's working and being nice to me of course!!).  I can see how a classroom full of enquiring minds with lots to say and share would love this experience.  Every now & then little glitches arrive to frustrate me but nevertheless this blogging/posting keeps me engaged & I'll stay on until I'm satisfied it's all working.  I seem to be checking & re-checking my settings alot!  Yes, I know the computer is smarter than me so get used to it you say !  Loading a picture on my following site is becoming a challenge - a 'must get right thing'.  Am heading there now to perfect - hopefully! What will Module 3 excite me with ... can't wait to discover more of my talents !! (stop laughing)

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