Thursday, October 28, 2010

Module 7

hello neighbour
chilliprawn has just ventured into the world of "delicious".  It's interesting so far ... have created account , no surprises there!  chilli has been busy adding buttons to the toolbar, exporting & importing bookmarks then tagging them.  Remember to **Cut & Paste** the url address ... soooo important! 

to be continued~~~~~
the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo warming up before the show...nice line boys


  1. Dear Chilliprawn,
    You will have to take Malcolm Turnbull to the Port Hacking Club.
    You are amazing at the things you can do from Bookmarking and on. Your skills are making you a most sort after employee in the CEO. Congratulations on you ICT Literacy and Higher Order Thinking skills.

  2. haha! ...yes, to meet Sarah Foster!
    You know Fran, I value your lovely comments & intelligent opinions more than anything these days - where would a chilliprawn be with out you???
