Sunday, October 10, 2010

ok, am officially lonely ... in need of reactions ... h e l p

I thought the idea of 'blogging' in cyber space was to encounter a two way process.  Sad as it is, I'm already feeling very lonely in this big cavernous non-touchy/feely technological digital environment .... get over it you say?  don't be so self centered?  what a sook!!  Today is module5 day, but a pinot gris at the sailing club a little later is looking more attractive right now!!  Real people - yessss. 
what's a chilliprawn gotta do to get a comment or a reaction around here .... hmmm ?  As they say - "where's the love?"


  1. Hi chilli prawn,
    all my comments get deleted. Have you changed your gmail address?
    You are not alone. The love is out there! Somewhere!

  2. Hi Fran,
    Chilliprawn is very happy that you are following and commenting .... my prayers have been answered.
    gmail address still the same. i am very disturbed by the comment eating deleting monster in cyberland .... give me back Fran's comments - NOW!
